Published: 2022-11-09

Lies come to the rescue, or how the brain "wants the best" and creates the appearance of imaginary well-being. If your eye doesn't pain, how can you stop permanent vision loss? The solution is straightforward: get along with preventative medicine (this is when you come to the doctor and do not complain about anything).



Many people look over the countless articles on how “the brain deceives us”, but few know that this deception can be dangerous. We have already written about how people unconsciously hide from themselves defective eyesight with glaucoma.

Glaucoma is not the only thing, however. For instance, someone hardly recognizes the faces of acquaintances, or mistakes their fingers for a carrot as they chop vegetables for a salad. At the same time, even if a person is aware of the problem, they may not know the reason behind it.

The reason lies in the degeneration of the macula (AMD), which is one of the leading causes of blindness.

But how can you not notice that you are going blind? How to explain that the presence of a blind spot becomes a blind spot for consciousness? Oddly enough, it becomes possible thanks to the brain.

A brain that “wants the best” compensates for losses in sight.

According to a recent Harris poll, most Americans are unaware that there may not be any symptoms of visual impairment due to eye diseases.

More than 2 million people live with advanced forms of AMD, and in the foreseeable future this number will double. Outside of the United States, things are not better, but rather worse: AMD is the main cause of irreversible vision loss around the world.

AMD happens when the so-called macula is damaged. This is the part of the eye that provides clear central vision, the loss of which affects everyday life: it becomes difficult for you to read, drive a car, and see faces.

How to not deceive our eyes

The answer has already been named, but we must state the frequency. How often should procrastination be overcome?

At the age of 40-54, check your eyes every 2-4 years.

Between 55-64 – every 1-3 years.

From the age of 65 – once every two years, even in the absence of symptoms or problems. If there are risk factors, then more often.

Benjamin Eye Institute is equipped with the best diagnostic equipment that exists, but no technology will help those who avoid it.

Eye health in the minds of people is somehow pushed into the background. According to the same Harris survey, while 81% of respondents believe that they do everything necessary for their own eyes, only 11% include an ophthalmologist in the list of the most important doctor visits.

Sometimes it’s not too late to help even those whose brain is no longer deceiving, and as a result of treatment they might again get a chance to make a salad without sacrificing their fingers.

Vadim Avrukin
