Red and Blue

Author: Вадим Аврукин (Vadim Avrukin)
Published: 2022-11-09

Can you surgically change your eye color to blue? Very bad idea. Meanwhile, it is very important that your eyes are not red. Experiencing red, itchy, dry eyes? It is time to give Dr. Benjamin a visit!

Red and Blue

Red and Blue, pt 2

There are companies that claim they can surgically change your eye color to blue. I’ve read that people with dark brown or black eyes have a lot of retinal melanin, those with green eyes less, and those with blue eyes none at all. The claim is that a 30-second laser operation can affect the pigment of the retina and change the color of the eyes. It is a process that takes a few weeks, where the eyes gradually brighten and turn blue. Is this a good idea?

I don’t think so. Dispersion of the pigment may result in damage to the trabecular meshwork, that is in turn involved with glaucoma. While you may now have blue eyes, you have a nasty problem, as well. But we live in an era of plastic surgery and Botox, hence why so many dream of having different-colored eyes. Another option is implanting an artificial iris in the upper part of the original. This procedure has been done recently in Africa, but it has dangerous potential complications, like cataracts or glaucoma. Colored contacts are much safer, if someone is that determined. The problems associated with them can be reduced to a minimum if they are quality lenses from an experienced ophthalmologist. Just remember that changing eye color can be at the expense of your health, even on a psychological level… What if you find out that blue eyes do not suit you? Now you are the hostage of an impulsive decision. Think about it seven times, or even better, seventy-seven.

Red Eyes

Now the second question. When we become acquainted, the first thing we do is look each other in the eyes, and only after that to the clothes and whatever else. When they are red, it is obvious to everyone (that is, without cataracts). When should we start to worry, and what causes this?

The eyes turn red for a variety of reasons. It could be a manifestation of serious diseases like glaucoma, keratitis, scleritis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, etc., which may also result in (or originate from) asthenopia, astigmatism, corneal problems, dry eye syndrome, or injury. Redness can also be caused by pregnancy, air conditioning, dust, eyelashes, sunlight, humidity or cold air, soap, diet, allergies, the sauna, poorly-chosen eyeglasses, cigarette smoke, contact lenses, insomnia, alcohol, marijuana, or just fatigue from sitting in front of a computer for hours, especially in the dark.

Dust is understood, we have talked about that before. But what if it’s glaucoma? Is this something you can diagnose yourself, or do you need to see a doctor?

You must go to an ophthalmologist immediately, especially if you’re over 40. Glaucoma is insidious, so even if you do notice symptoms, you may not know what’s going on. They can be explicit, like pressure in the temples or brow, burning eyes, blurred vision, constricted pupils, decreased visual acuity, or a reaction to bright light. But it can also develop completely asymptomatically. As it can lead to blindness, it is better to err on the side of caution.

I once accidentally gave myself the correct diagnosis – conjunctivitis. It had to be treated, but the doctor (you) didn’t tell me what caused it.

The causes of conjunctivitis aren’t a medical secret. It’s usually adenoviruses, bacteria, chemical irritants (including cosmetics), and dry eyes. The viral and bacterial varieties are contagious, so that’s something to keep in mind.


Since you mentioned dry eyes twice, I remember having an attack in Las Vegas, which ruined the whole day. And then I read on an internet forum how to treat it.

I wonder how people understand that treatment for cataracts cannot be found on an internet forum, but it’s somehow ok for dry eyes. It can lead to a breakdown in the production of tears. The surface of the eye is covered with a protective film of tears, which prevents it from drying out or becoming inflamed. Household fans, driving for long periods of time, contact lenses, corneal distortion, carbohydrate-heavy diets, and a reaction to medication can lead to dry eyes, as well as factors like age or menopause.


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard the word “uveitis” in my life. A friend of mine, tired of having red eyes, finally went to the doctor and learned that he had uveitis. It wasn’t just fatigue, as he was accustomed to think.

Uveitis isn’t just one thing, but a group of ailments related to inflammation of the uveal tract, a vascular layer of the eye. This is a very serious topic, as well, because 25-30% of all cases lead to sharp deterioration in vision or even blindness. Glaucoma can be a complication of uveitis, as well as cataracts, damage to the optic nerve, corneal problems, changes in the vitreous body, or retinal detachment.

Are the reasons known?

Viral infections (herpes, chlamydia), diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis, and injury. The symptoms all come from the same “deck” – redness, photophobia, decreased visual acuity, constricted pupils, various distortions, pain, increased intraocular pressure, and particles in the eye, which we have already talked about. Based on the particular combination of symptoms and a thorough examination, we can determine what kind of uveitis you have: peripheral, anterior, posterior, or general. Treatment is often needed immediately.

So in conclusion, a few words about blepharitis. Is this reason to run to the doctor?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid, which by itself causes redness. It cannot be ignored because it will lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea, or keratitis. Symptoms include thickening or swelling of the eyelids, scales on the eyelids, itching, loss of eyelashes, or again photophobia. Blepharitis has diverse symptoms, but I won’t go into all of them, because I don’t want to tire our impatient Facebook readers.

Red eyes cannot become blue. It’s interesting that the last name of the owner of the company that performs these eye-color operations is Homer.

Photos: Sebastian Varo
