Ophthalmology Blog


Premium Cataract Surgery: Non-Diffractive EDOF IOL's at Benjamin Eye Institute


We are proud to offer our patients the latest in premium cataract surgery with non-diffractive EDOF IOL’s. Our experienced surgeons will work with you to determine the best lens option for your needs and provide you with the best possible outcome.

Cataract Surgery

MIGS Surgery: A Highly Successful, Minimally Invasive Treatment for Glaucoma


At Benjamin Eye Institute, we pride ourselves in staying at the forefront of innovative eye care solutions, consistently delivering high-quality services to our patients. One such advanced solution we offer is the Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS), an effective treatment method that has significantly transformed the management of glaucoma.

Introducing Same-Day Bilateral Cataract Surgery: The Future of Eye Care is Here!


We're thrilled to announce that our practice is now offering same-day bilateral cataract surgery for well-qualified patients! This groundbreaking development has become possible due to remarkable advancements in cataract treatment technologies and their seamless integration. As a result, patients can now enjoy safer, faster, and more precise cataract surgeries with predictable outcomes. Let's dive into the details of this exciting new offering and how it is transforming the eye care industry.

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery

MIGS OMNI: A Comprehensive Solution for Glaucoma Treatment


Discover the Benefits of the MIGS OMNI Surgical System in Glaucoma Management, as Recommended by Dr. Arthur Benjamin

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery

Expert Glaucoma Management with MIGS


Dr. Arthur Benjamin's Approach to Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation and OMNI Viscocanalostomy



Good news for individuals who have already received a glaucoma diagnosis. You see as long as the retina and the brain are communicating with one another through signals. You lose your sight when the conversation ends. So what, it would seem? Additionally, there is an opportunity to develop medicines based on this process, perhaps with gene therapy. Due to the disease's progression, this will aid in maintaining vision.

Let's Talk About Marijuana


There will be no loud statements that ophthalmology has high hopes for marijuana. But we will not deny some effect on intraocular pressure in glaucoma. For more details read on!

ABOUT intraocular pressure: INTERVIEW with ARTHUR BENJAMIN (1)


According to a statistic, there is a 20% probability that you have glaucoma if you are over 65. Older than 70 - 30%. Older than 85 - 40% However, there are specific ethnic groupings where the likelihood is higher. African-Americans, Russian Jews, Poles, Lithuanians, and other Eastern Europeans need routine check-ups because they are at a higher risk.

Intraocular Pressure: Getting to the Bottom of It


Glaucoma is an eye disease where the damage of the optic nerve takes place, casing high intraocular pressure. It is important to do a comprehensive eye exam every year to catch the symptoms of developing glaucoma early on. The earlier the diagnosis, the sooner you can start treatment.

Intraocular Pressure: Getting To The Bottom Of It (2)


Glaucoma is a disease, which is better to detect and start the treatment before you have a problem with parking a car. Benjamin Eye Institute is one of only two places with electroretinography, which objectively measures the functionality of the optic nerve. It’s a test that can tell you if you’ll have glaucoma in 7 years or not.

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