
Published: 2023-05-16

The Crystalens was modeled after the human eye. Like the natural lens, it uses the eye muscle to flex and accommodate in order to focus on objects in the environment at all distances. The Crystalens mimics the behavior of your natural lens to adjusts to your visual needs.

How does Crystalens work?

Natural lens uses ciliary muscle, which flexes the lens, allowing you to focus on an object at different distances. Crystalens does the same: it is made with hinges on each side that are designed to allow the optic, or the part of the lens that you see through, to move back and forth as you constantly change focus on objects around you.

Crystalens is:

  • The only FDA-approved accommodating intraocular lens
  • The only lens that uses the natural focusing abilit of the eye
  • The only lens that provides a single focal point throughout a continuous range of vision from far to newr, and everything in between

Few Los Angeles Crystalens patients have experienced glare, halos and night vision problems. Crystalens focuses only one image to the back of the eye, unlike a multifocal lens that projects multiple images that are not entirely in focus, requiring your brain to 'adjust' to the differences. In addition, Crystalens vision is sharp and crisp because 100% of the light rays are available and distributed – when you need it.

The effectiveness of the Crystalens was proven in clinical trials:

Significantly more patients implanted with a Crystalens (88.4%) could see better at all distances then patients implanted with a standard IOL (35.9%).

Long-term experience means a safe and effective procedure – some patients have continued excellent vision 5 years after implantation with the Crystalens.

The Crystalens procedure is simple and allows for relatively fast healing. After a small incision is made at the edge of the cornea, the lens is liquefied and the Crystalens is implanted. Crystalens can usually be implanted in about 15 minutes.

The recovery period is usually short. Most patients are able to pursue normal activities almost immediately after surgery. Patients will have a follow-up visit scheduled the next day to evaluate their recovery. Yulia, our surgical coordinator, will discuss with you beforehand what to expect before, during, and after the procedure in terms of eye drops and office visits.

If you are like most Crystalens Los Angeles patients, you can expect to see everything more clearly. Your focus will be sharper than it has been in years, and you can expect to see improvements over time.

Dr. Arthur Benjamin provides top-of-the-line eye care solutions for Los Angeles Crystalens patients seeking to improve their vision. Dr. Arthur Benjamin also offers ReSTOR IOLs, Crystalens and Toric IOLs in Los Angeles. As a highly experienced laser cataract surgery Los Angeles provider, Dr. Benjamin has helped many Los Angeles cataracts patients realize their dreams of once again enjoying the benefits of clear vision.

Call Benjamin Eye Institute to learn about your options for Cataract Surgery in Beverly Hills, including Crystalens .

Crystalens Trulign Toric: Treating cataracts, astigmatism and presbyopia

In the past, receiving a diagnosis of cataracts, astigmatism and presbyopia typically meant permanently losing some of your vision and needing to wear glasses for many of your favorite pastimes. Fortunately, with FDA-approved Trulign Toric, patients like you now have the ability to see the world clearly, and without compromise. Unlike standard IOLs, these lenses are specially designed to simultaneously correct cataracts, astigmatism and presbyopia, ensuring a natural range of vision and increased dependence from glasses and contacts after surgery.
