At Benjamin Eye Institute, we wish for our patients to learn as much as possible when it comes to conditions and treatments we offer, such as cataracts and cataract surgery. Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions.
If you have a question not found on this page, or if you would like to schedule a free consultation at Benjamin Eye Institute, please call us today at 310.275.5533.
RETINAL EVALUATION Frequently Asked Questions
What is a retinal detachment (torn retina)?
Retinal detachment is a serious condition that can lead to severe visual impairment or eventotal blindness in the affected eye. If any part of the retina is lifted or pulled from its normalposition, it is considered detached, and will cause some vision loss. The detachment willalmost always progress, and vision loss will increase until it is treated. Therefore, retinaldetachment is always considered an emergency.
What causes retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment is caused by a combination of factors including retinal holes, retinalbreaks, or retinal tears, and liquefaction of the vitreous humor. Any tiny tears or holes in theretina can allow vitreous fluid to seep under the retina, separating it from the back wall ofthe eye (like wallpaper). Retinal tears may also result from a hard blow or injury to the eye,though this is rather rare.
If one eye develops retinal detachment will the other develop it as well?
Detachment is more likely to occur if the other eye has the condition (such as latticedegeneration) associated with retinal detachment in the first eye. If only one eye suffers aserious injury or requires eye surgery then, of course, the chance of detachment in the othereye is not increased by the event.
How does an eye doctor diagnose retinal detachment?
Because retinal tears and detachments are not visible from the outside of the eye, onlya comprehensive eye exam can detect them. Your eye doctor will use a light magnificationinstrument to view the inside of your eye. Your eye doctor may also use certain types ofmagnification lenses, a slit lamp or ultrasound to diagnose retinal tears or detachments.